We are Family

We spent the past weekend at a family reunion in Missouri. That's where my mom's dad was born and raised and where a good deal of our family still lives. We met up in the Ozarks near the town of Warsaw, MO where two families have cabins. Most of us stayed at a nearby hotel though.

We had a great time together eating, laughing, talking, playing games, eating, swimming, tubing, reminiscing, and oh, did I mention the eating?? I swam in a lake for the first time in years. The water was so warm (it doesn't get like that here in CO … all our lakes are fed by snow melt) and nice. And there were the hugest bugs I've ever seen.

Miss Tabby was sure a hit, although it surprised me what a hit she was with the under 12 crowd, especially the little boys. She was absolutely exhausted today from all the attention and driving and now we've got to work on getting her back into her routine so we can go away again next weekend. Beaucoup photos here.

Hope everyone else had a nice weekend!

3 Replies to “We are Family”

  1. I, too, am surprised by how much boys enjoy babies. One of my son's friends is absolutely fantastic with my 2 little ones and they adore him.

    Missouri is on my list of must see states! One day.

  2. I am so impressed that you guys are able to travel so much, and so well, with the baby!! I am hoping our future little guy will be open to exploring with me! Do you have any hints?

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