Ended up going home from work early yesterday. This killed me because I really need/want my vacation days (they are the same as sick days where I work) and I don't want to squander them on food poisoning. Oh well. So I went home and slept. Lots. I love sleep even when I'm not sick, but when I'm sick, sleep is even better. Anyhoo, I'm feeling way better today.
My laptop arrived yesterday. I am very excited to get it. But I didn't quite realize how big 17″ is. I don't think it will fit in my backpack. That said, it will be darn nice to play games and work with graphics on. Once I get everything sorted out.
See it came with Vista. I'm a bit opposed to Vista, cuz frankly, I think XP is grand. It's not like when we were all running 98 and it was so awful and it was nice to switch to something that worked. But anyhow, that's where it's going, so we went there with the new computer. Overall, it seems to mostly be a jazzier version of XP. But they put all your documents in weird places. Not sure what that's about. And for some reason that I haven't figured out yet, none of my fonts will load. It keeps saying their names are too long. I've got to figure out what's going on. I need those fonts. Sheesh.
I'm glad that you left work early and got in some good rest. Did you get “sick sick” or just the other end? hehe
I hope that it was the latter. Do you know what you ate? I'm *SO* glad that you're feeling better now!