How We Spent Our Weekend

We had a weird sort of weekend. One of those where nothing goes as planned, but hey that's life. Especially with a baby.

Friday night we had a lovely time. We went to dinner and then headed to the drive in to see Ratatouille and Harry Potter #5. It's so hard for me to judge the HP movies on their own merits that I can't really tell you if I liked it or not. But I can tell you that I thought Ratatouille was awesome. I did sleep through part of it though, but only because I was totally exhausted … not because it wasn't great!!

Saturday we got up around 8 and fed Miss Tabby. Then we went back to sleep for an hour or so. When we woke up at 10, we could tell something wasn't quite right. Our little angel had turned very fussy and was warm. She tends to feel a bit warm right after she's woken up, so we put it off to that, but it didn't go away. We temped her and got 100.5 and 101.5 in succession. Off to the doc's we went.After much poking, prodding and crying, it was decided that baby girl had a UTI. Stinky, sucky, but at least we knew the cause of her fever. They gave her an antibiotics injection and some ibuprofen and she immediately started to feel better.

That took the better portion of our afternoon, but we spent that evening at my parents' house for a BBQ for some friends from out of town. Tabby did well, but was definitely not her cheerful baby self. We were delighted to see that our copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows had indeed arrived that day and we started reading it that evening.

By Sunday morning, though, she was pretty much back to normal. We took her back to the doc's for a follow up visit and got her some oral antibiotics. No more shots. Then we had breakfast at my parents' house, and spent the rest of the day running our picky little errands and reading Harry Potter.

Later that night, we went to go give Tabs her meds and realized that we'd let her antibiotics in her diaper bag in the car all day. Of course they need refrigerated. I had not thought of this (despite having vivid memories of my mom pulling the pink menace out of the fridge when I was litle) and Matt had not known I put it in the diaper bag. It was ruined. So we called the doc, got another perscription and made a run to Walgreens at 10:30 PM. Wheeee!!

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