Time Flies

I really want to blog, but my mind is too jumbled up with things right now. The last few days have just flown by in a haze of trips to Target, fun with friends and family, laundry, and Tabbiness. We haven't been home that much, but somehow, the house is still a mess. I've really got to get on it tonight because our cleaning person is coming tomorrow and I don't want my stuff hidden for good.

I have sent out three books already to various moochers, but have only asked for 1 in return. I don't know what to read and I have very little time to read it. Maybe Matt can get some woodworking books.

I have about 10 projects I want to do … and they are not happening at all. Seems like every time I sit down to do that sort of thing, I end up playing a computer game because my mind is so fried that I need something easy and something that doesn't require me dragging out a bunch of stuff that I'd eventually have to clean up.

A lot of the “new parent horrors” I have found to be grossly exaggerated, but this time thing … that one rings very true for me.

Garage Saling

In our very suburban community, garage saling is in full swing. Our semi-annual (the one where it's twice a year, that's semi, right??!) garage sale was held last week and apparently the neighborhood where our babysitter lives is doing it this weekend. Thanks to Matt's schedule, we've gotten some great deals on what we need the most … baby stuff!

We have purchased so far:
1. a full sized high chair for $10 – we already had one for Ms Tabby, but I'm going to be watching our friends' baby on Mondays, so we needed an extra
2. a small baby high-chair that gets strapped to a bigger chair, good for travel – $5
3. a BRAND NEW Baby Bjorn (regularly $80) – $10
4. a baby backpack for hiking – $8
5. a cute colorful play gym – $15, which I thought was a bit steep at the time, 'til I found out it retails for $55
6. tons of baby clothes
and the piece de resistance …
7. a PINK jogging stroller – $25

I have the best husband ever, seriously.

Batting 1000

Yesterday, before I went to bed (after Miss Tabby had gone to bed), I pumped. As I went to cap one of the bottles, I knocked it over. Anyone who's pumped before understands what a slap upside the head this is. Geez.

Before the pumping incident last night, I packed up a lovely lunch for today. Leftover dinner, cut up strawberries and edamame. This morning I removed said lunch from the fridge in preparation to leave the house. I dove into my backpack to find my sunglasses. They weren't in there. Searched the house. No sunglasses. I went to work without them. In all the confusion, I went to work without my lunch too.

Somehow in all that digging through my backpack, I failed to realize one important fact: my wallet is not in my backpack. It is not lost. I know exactly where it is. I put it in Tabby's diaper bag on Tues when I went to Target. So basically I've been driving all over the city without my wallet.

Luckily I have a box of Special K at my desk along with some other random edibles. Plus, I work with my mommy. I bet she'll buy me lunch. Just hope I've got enough gas to make it home. Sheesh.