Time Flies

I really want to blog, but my mind is too jumbled up with things right now. The last few days have just flown by in a haze of trips to Target, fun with friends and family, laundry, and Tabbiness. We haven't been home that much, but somehow, the house is still a mess. I've really got to get on it tonight because our cleaning person is coming tomorrow and I don't want my stuff hidden for good.

I have sent out three books already to various moochers, but have only asked for 1 in return. I don't know what to read and I have very little time to read it. Maybe Matt can get some woodworking books.

I have about 10 projects I want to do … and they are not happening at all. Seems like every time I sit down to do that sort of thing, I end up playing a computer game because my mind is so fried that I need something easy and something that doesn't require me dragging out a bunch of stuff that I'd eventually have to clean up.

A lot of the “new parent horrors” I have found to be grossly exaggerated, but this time thing … that one rings very true for me.

2 Replies to “Time Flies”

  1. I can relate to having a list of projects but when it comes down to it I just want to veg out infront of the computer(which I am infront of all day anyway) or watch telly with the hubby.

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