What I'm Up To

My sister recommended we get Lily Allen's CD, “Alright, Still” for my mom for her b'day, so I got to listen to it when I was riding around in her car last week. It is a really fun CD, with interesting poppy melodies and edgy, quirky lyrics. I especially love the song, Alfie, where she's trying to motivate her stoner brother to “get off his lazy arse.”

I know everyone read these books like ages ago, but I have had Da Vinci code sitting on my shelf for over a year (maybe two) and I'm finally getting to read it now … albeit in very small doses before I pass out at bedtime. I'm really enjoying the story a lot. I also just started the audio book of Angels and Demons. Apparently The Solomon Key is coming out in October. I reserved a copy at the library … I'm 274 of 275 holds for the audio book and they're only ordering 4 copies. I have a better chance of getting the Harry Potter book on CD … I'm 276 of 303 holds, but at least they're getting 30 copies of that!! I had just assumed that everyone had heard of Etsy by now, but just in case you haven't, go check it out. It's an online marketplace where craftspeople sell they're stuff. Sort of like a giant craft fair every day. They have great stuff there.

Has anyone else been watching The Starter Wife on USA? I have and I've really been enjoying it. I'm also looking forward to their new show, Burn Notice. I'm not paticularly keen on the guy who's playing the lead character, but I do loves me some spy stuff. Like the last James Bond movie. I've gotta buy that on DVD.

We went to Famous Dave's last night to have some BBQ and celebrate Father's Day (belatedly). We got my dad some Mini Cooper related gifts (because he recently bought one – green with white stripes) including a t'shirt and a keychain. I also liked this t'shirt.

I need a nap.

6 Replies to “What I'm Up To”

  1. The first thing I bought on Etsy was because of you. When you showed that robot pendant, I looked and bought the green apple one.

    Yum, Famous Daves! Did you try the bread pudding?

    I LOVE Mini Coopers. Unfortunately with kids, I wouldn't be able to have one.

    Have you seen The DaVinci Code movie yet? I also read the book like a year after everyone else. I still have Angels and Demons just sitting there unread.

    As for Lily Allen, I've never heard her music but I love how she bad mouths every other celebrity. Hilarious!

  2. I *love* Etsy. I've actually set up a store there … it's called Bath Indulgences. I don't have anything listed at the moment, though. I *love* Dan Brown's books. So glad that you're enjoying DaVinci Code! I couldn't put it down. You might enjoy Deception Point. OMG! I just noticed “Paris Street Market” on your sidebar. What's that???

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