Three Wonderful Months

Was there a world before she existed? Hard to believe sometimes and yet I can't believe she's already three months old!

She's growing up before our very eyes. Her head is held steady and she's working real hard on sitting up. The outdoors is her favorite place. It calms her when she needs to be calm and delights her when she's happy. And she is happy a lot. So much so that it's almost a surprise when she cries. And she has found a very amusing alternative to crying which we call “baby bitching” or “kvetching.” Basically she babbles on in a very POed tone in baby talk. It sounds like she's voicing her displeasure and listing all the things that are wrong. It's very funny. “Talking” is another thing she does a lot of. She's been vocal since birth, but her grunts have now turned into babytalk and we could spend hours listening to her and talking with her.

Besides the wonderful gift of her presence that she has given us, she is also letting us get a fairly good amount of sleep. She has slept through the night a few times now and rarely wakes more than once.

By day she is very interested in her world and stares in rapt attention at her Baby Einstein DVDs or whatever we're doing on the computer. She is also a big fan of her swing.

We count her as a blessing every day and are so thrilled to see what comes next.

7 Replies to “Three Wonderful Months”

  1. What a cutey! I can't believe it's been 3 months already! I've been having a rough time with the pregnancy lately… thanks for reminding me of the end result and what a wonderful experience it all is!

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