Gratuitous Cute Baby Photos

Almost a week between posts? Yikes. Days have been flying by. Matt's mom visited over the weekend and he enjoyed introducing her to her grand-daughter. I need to post some photos to flickr, but these will have to do for now. Someone's going to need to eat again soon and I'll be lucky to finish this, honestly.

Things are going well. She smiles (don't care what the experts say … these are not gas related and they are smiles!!) and makes funny little noises … squeaks and grunts and coos and I think we love her more and more every day. She goes between being a good sleeper, sometimes sleeping for up to 6 hours straight and then having nights when she's up every two hours. Schedule schmedule.

10 Replies to “Gratuitous Cute Baby Photos”

  1. Those are cute pictures! I love how they're in a series. Yeah, seems like Meredith will have *really* good nights for a while and then some occasional *really* bad ones. *sigh* She smiled *really* early, too, and I *know* that it wasn't gas. hehe She's all smiles all the time!

  2. She is SO cute! I love that little crossed eyed look they get when they're little like in one of those pictures. Lila used to do that every time I snapped a picture.

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