Holy Exploding DVDs Batman!

So I received a DVD ROM in the mail on Friday. A new expansion pack for one of my fave games. With Matt occupied in his shop, after dinner I retired to my office to test it out. I put the disc in the drive and busied myself with other things (checking email or something). A minute or so later, I sort of realized that the DVD-ROM drive was making a really loud whirring noise. I was about to open the drive when I heard a very loud POP! and saw a bit of smoke escape from the drive.

I escaped to the security of the stair landing and called for backup. Matt arrived on the scene moments later and we examined the scene of the incident. The DVD had exploded inside the drive!! In loads and loads of little pieces. The drive still appeared to have some function (opening and closing itself) but we decided it was probably a lost cause as far as reading and writing and removed it from the computer. I'll purchase a new one on New Egg sometime soon. Weird, eh?

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