Peppermint Bark

from: Martha Stewart's Handmade Holiday

11 lemons, preferably organic
1 liter 160-proof vodka or grain alcohol
3 C sugar
3 C boiling water

Peel strips of zest from lemons using vegetable peeler; reserve remainder of lemons for another use. Put the zest and vodka into an airtight container and let stand at room temperature at least 2 days and up to 1 week.

Stir together sugar and hot water until completely dissolved; let cool completely. Stir sugar mixture into vodka mixture; refrigerate in an airtight container overnight.

Pour liquid through a large sieve and funnel into airtight bottles. Discard zest. Limoncello can be kept in the freezer for up to 3 months.

from: Jess

2 packages vanilla flavored almond bark
rice krispies
starlight mints or candy canes

Stick the candycanes or mints in a plastic bag and use a hammer or a shoe or your meat tenderizer to mash 'em up. don't get them too fine. You want some color!

Smush up or chop the almond bark. Put it in a sauce pan and melt it over low heat. It isn't like normal chocolate … no need to use a double broiler. But do watch it.

Once it's all melted, stir in some rice krispies. Not so many that the almond bark doesn't cover it, but enough so that they permeate.

Pour this mixture onto a rimmed cookie sheet and spread it around until you have an evenish layer. Sprinkle the candy pieces all over the top and push them gently in with the back of a spatual or something else flat.

Then cover the whole thing up with foil and set it somewhere cold (like your patio in the winter, say) and let it sit for a while. It will get all waxy when it is properly set. Make sure it is really set and then break it apart.