Trans Siberian

Last night, Matt and I had a date night. We don't do this very often unless you count making food at home and playing video games or watching Tivo together. We went to see Trans Siberian Orchestra.

In case you're not familiar with them, they largely take the classics and give them Bon Jovi stylings … lots of guitar and rock-ballady singing. They're probably something of an acquired taste. I enjoy their concerts, but Matt is the real TSO affecianado in the house. They also do scads of Christmas music which is our favorite bit.

Overall, it was a very nice concert. They had this back story that I didn't quite “get” and a few songs that just weren't to our liking, but nothing major. The worst part of the concert were the teeny tiny cramped seats at Pepsi Center … I'm five foot nothing and I felt nearly as cramped as my six-foot hubby. Awful seats. Still, it was great to be out for a night with my best guy and little one, who kept up an alternating schedule of earthquake simulations and gymnastics trials throughout the concert.

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