Ramble Ramble Ramble

Well kids, I'm on a trial. It's supposed to last through next Tuesday. That's probably my only real problem with serving … blah. So far it's been kind of interesting. I have no idea why they picked me. I couldn't tell why they dismissed certain people and allowed others to remain. So that's that.

I'm in a very tired place right now because our AC is broken and it's been a bit hard to sleep with it being warm. Luckily it's cooler tonight … so hopefully I'll get some much needed rest.

Gilmore Girls was excellent tonight … I totally called the whole Lane parasite thing. And overall, it was just funny. I feel like the writers have really captrued the Stars Hollowness again which is why I liked the show in the first place. The Kirk's scene was hilarious. Veronica Mars was great too, though it left me a bit confused. I should probably go back and watch it again when I don't have to pause it every other second for Matt and Loki and phone calls.

And with that, I shall leave you.

9 Replies to “Ramble Ramble Ramble”

  1. Do you have a fan? That might help with the sleeping situation. Good luck with the trial. Yeah I called the Lane parasite thingy too.

  2. Ooh, our AC fan broke a few weeks ago but we got it fixed really fast though. I would so not want to be on a jury I get ancy sitting in rooms like that.

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