Fun with LEDs

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. It was another one of those crazy days where I barely had time to catch my breath let alone post. No complaints though, great day. Don't forget to share what answers you did and didn't know on the crossword! I am just curious.

Anyhoo, I was surfing and I found this great project for sort of community art/graffiti. They call them LED throwies. Basically, you tape an LED (those little lights) to a battery and a magnet and throw them on ferromagnetic (iron-containing) surfaces. You do it with enough of them and you get some pretty cool stuff. I love this idea!

3 Replies to “Fun with LEDs”

  1. I think I got all the answers but two. (I thought Matt's favorite was fried chicken.) Which just goes to show I spend way too much time with you two!

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