Via Podcast

As I may have mentioned before, I have a couple of podcasts that I greatly enjoy listening to. There is rarely a week when I don't catch up on the latest net happenings with Diggnation, TWiT and Engadget and I always look forward to another episode of CraftyPod with Sister Diane. I hear about cool things going on in our world that I might not otherwise know about and get a slightly different take on things. So I thought I'd share a couple of the cool things podcasting has brought to me.Yesterday, I was listnening to TWiT and they were talking about SecondLife. Now, the last thing I need in my life is something else to consume time, but I'll admit, I was a bit intrigued. Second Life is a MMOG (massively multi-player online game) where you basically “live.” You can create ANYTHING there. You can own land there (I hear Microsoft has its own island). You can make $$ there … in native Linden and then translate that back into dollars. It really is its own world and community. I guess .. think Sims on crack. I'm interested to try it with the caveat that I'll delete it from my HD if I start having more than 3 hours of second life per week. Best of all, it's FREE to try. I think you have to start shelling out before you get too far in..

The Sampler is another cool thing I learned about via podcast. You sign up for a subscription service … for one month or 3 months. And you get a whole goody box filled with cool samples from various indie stores. They get their product out in the world and you get a mystery box of cool stuff. Win Win.

The crazies over at Revision3, home of Diggnation are starting to take this whole thing a bit more seriously and they now have video-casts of all eps of diggnation, which I haven't downloaded yet because, frankly, audio @ work is one thing, video just doesn't seem kosher. Anyhoo, they have about 5 shows now including one called Ctrl-Alt-Chicken which is Alex Albrecht's cooking show. I haven't checked it out yet, due to time constraints, but it looks pretty cool. They've made chicken cordon bleu and baked alaska so far. Interesting concept.