Still on the 101 Track

Didn't want y'all to think I'd abandoned the 101. We're both still working on it, and I'm going to nag Matt to do a progress report. Here's what's been going on:

9. Buy Perscription Sunglasses – I did this in January when I got my new regular sunglasses. They're vair cute and vair useful!

16. Build a Computer With Matt – We completed this little project sometime in Nov. or Dec. I hadn't written about it, because it was much more Matt's project than mine. Once again, *nag*22. Organize my house and donate or throw out superfluous junk – This one was completed in January when I got real crazy for a while and cleaned my bathroom, craft room, kitchen and closet and we cleaned the basement together. I know it'll need to be done again next year, but it's really nice right now.

24. Finish off the Basement – while we didn't really do this one in the manner we originally intended, we've cleand up tons down there and made Matt a nice work space for his wood-working projects

23. Have Grandma K teach Matt and I how to fry chicken – We actually didn't do this to the letter, but the objective was accomplished, nonetheless. While we were in Nashville, for xmas, Sherrie, Matt's step-mom taught us both the art of fried chicken, though I'm still scared of the oil.

28. Re-Do our Bathroom – I did this, though not in the manner I had originally planned. I didn't strip off all the wall-paper, but instead decided to embrace the wall-paper (which is sort of brownish) and go jungle-theme in there with monkies and palm trees and whatnot.

40. Rid the closet of clothes/shoes I don’t wear anymore/fit anymore – This was, as well, part of the great exodous of January 2006.

66. No Donuts for 4 weeks – Done! Our subcontractor stopped bringing them. Hehe

95. Donate at least $50 to VSVS – We made a $100 donation to this fine organization in November.

97. Get 9 hours of sleep a night for a whole week – I was vair tired for a while in Feb and did this for about 2 wks straight!