Thursday is the New Friday!

Well this week anyhow. With all the *everything* that I've been doing, I feel like I really need a bit of time to knock a few things off my to-do list. The hosue is a wreck and things need to be culled-through and organized. I thought I'd have some time to do that sort of stuff this week, but no, I've been unnaturally tired and going to bed at like 8 and 9 o'clock. What's up with that??

Today I feel a bit better. So hopefully after I get off work, go to the store, make dinner, and do a bit of clean-up, I'll be able to sneak in a few minutes watching TV or playing Sims 2 Night Life. Wouldn't that be nice? I also need to work on a few little projects. Like updaing my links pages on Jesser. Adding some new photos and a host of other things. I'm going to need to make a list. Things to Do on My Day Off
1. go to Step class, cuz it's been like weeks…
2. finish my NYC scrapbook (the one that's my longest outstanding scrap book)
3. finish the book I'm reading or return it to the library
4. go to the library and pick up the things that have come in for me
5. clean out the refrigerator (including the plastic parts, not just chucking moldy items)
6. [make matt] install the under-sink sliding bins in the kitchen and then organize that whole mess
7. organize my bathroom cabinets
8. go through the books, craft stuff, etc. in my office and organize that
9. go thru my closet and drawers and throw out clothes that I don't need/want/fit anymore
10. clean up my desk
11. do filing
12. catch up on laundry
13. back up my computer
14. copy files from computer to MP3 player/media player
15. take care of returns
16. scan found images i've been saving
17. update w/ links and photos
18. have fun!

2 Replies to “Thursday is the New Friday!”

  1. Jess, I love your quote today. In our old house, our next-door neighbor had a line of toilets used as planters in his front yard. I'd never seen or heard of that. I thought it was the tackiest ugliest thing.

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