On the Slopes

Our good friend, Patrick, was in this weekend from Nashville. As is our tradition, we went skiing!! We usually go Vail, but since the condo was occupied, we day-tripped Copper Mountain instead. It was perhaps one of the best skiing days I've ever been on. The weather was gorgeous … sunny and warm(ish) for most of the day and the snow was bee-yoo-tee-ful. Since we rented skis in Denver, packed our lunches, and used our vair cheap Copper 4-Passes, it was a very cost-effective day on the slopes as well.

It was quite the remarkable day, too. As we were waiting in the lift-line we noticed a young lady in a puffy pink jacket with a fur-trimmed hood. She was wearing TONS of make-up and talking on her cell-phone (and a call that was clearly NOT “I'm in the lift line!”). Well we got on the lift, went on up and started skiing down. We noticed Ms. Cellphone skiing and talking at the same time. Suddenly, the multi-tasking became too much for her and she fell in a giant poof of white. Miraculously, she managed to hang on to and keep talking on her cell phone. Tres amusant.

But that does not compare to the other spectacle we witnessed …So we were on this ski lift heading up and I was looking around and I noticed something strange. Butt. Boy butt. Two, actually. So I pointed it out to my ski companions and asked if they saw what I saw. They did. Then another couple of topless lads and a topless laddie came skiing down behind them, yelling and laughing.

Pretty damned funny.

2 Replies to “On the Slopes”

  1. That's too funny! Man, some people are really hooked on their cell phones, huh? I mean, skiing and talking at the same time. I would've laughed at that one a whole lot.

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