Play Time

I definitely have conflicting feelings about being an adult. Driving? Awesome. Paying taxes? Ugh. Income not based upon allowance? Woohoo! Working? Blah. This is one of those weeks when I'd give quite a bit not to be an adult … not that I'd want to be five. But back in college might be nice.

See what I'm missing this week is play time. The week after Christmas was always playtime. We'd spend scads of time in our pajamas hanging out in front of the TV and computer, playing games. We'd go to the mall to return gifts and stay for dinner and a movie. We'd eat leftovers and take naps.

Now, though, I'm between. I don't have enough vacation (i.e. seniority) to just hang out after Christmas and I am no longer in school, so I don't automatically get a break. So 7 AM finds me at work and a little grumpy about it. I'm tired and where I really want to be is at home with Matt and Loki playing computer games and going to the dog park and goofing around. *sigh*

4 Replies to “Play Time”

  1. I know what you mean too. I have been so blah about being here at work this week. I just want to stay home and bake cookies and play with Luke and his new toys! I even have to work on New Year's Eve. (at least I have a job-I know-but on NYE!)

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I wish I could just stay here this whole week. The fact that Rodrigo's boss is giving everyone holidays doesn't help. They hang out and lounge around and I'm at work. Plus the senior people have this week for vacation so I'm stuck with opening and closing the bank. Ugh. Yes, I'm bitter.

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