Seeing Orange

I think I have my dad to thank for my savings nerd gene. He loves putting money away in neat little piles and watching it grow. The older I get, the more I appreciate this gene. It makes things easy when savings is a really fun game to me. A while back, I blogged about Money Matters and soonafter, I started my love affair with ING Direct.

Their company philosophy is that “saving money should be as easy as getting a cup of coffee” and my experience thus far has been just that. Easy. Simple. Hassle-free. This is paticularly amazing since my browser CRASHED while I was setting up my account. A quick (and I do mean quick – less than 3 minutes) phone call assured me that my account info that I'd carefully entered was in tact and gave me access to my account.

Now I've got my accounts all set up, and I can put money in or take it out at the touch of a button and it gets to earn a tidy 3.4%.If you're going to open an account with $250 or more for your initial deposit, leave me a comment with your email address and I'll get you a referral that will give you $25 free in your account.