Happy Birthdays

I have two birthdays to celebrate today. The first is our friend Dan who went thru Vandy with us. He had recently graduated from Tulane Law and was working at a New Orleans firm when Katrina hit. We heard he evacuated to Baton Rouge, but we still haven't gotten to talk to him. I hope it's a nice 26th birthday for him, despite the obvious.

We're looking forward to may more New Years' Eves with you, Dan. Happiest of happy birthdays. Hope the next year is a little less eventful. belongs to my dear Papa. I don't have a picture of him handy, but I will try to put one up by the end of the day. My Papa (Maternal Grandfather) has been gone for over two years, but every once in a while, I still miss him so much it hurts. He was a dear dear man and the world is a better place for having known him.

The MOTD is something he used to say (along with a zillion other silly things designed to make little granddaughters laugh). I think I'll have a glass of cranberry juice to celebrate him.

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