More Outdoor Movies

Colorado has turly beautiful summer nights. Rarely hot, never humid, they're so … pleasant. We don't even have that many bugs (having fairly little water helps). So it's no surprise that we have a plethera of outdoor events in the summer, especially in the evening. Recently I discovered the Boulder Outdoor Cinema offering such movies as Spiderman2, American Graffiti, and Singing in the Rain and the Starlight Summer Movies Series in Castlerock featuring movies like City Slickers and Ghostbusters. I definitely plan to see some more Film on the Rocks and I might need to pop down to Boulder and check out a movie or two – they're a smidge cheaper and always on weekends. Sadly, Castlerock is too far to travel for a movie. I might also have to pop into A Taste of Colorado this labor day weekend. I've always wanted to go and I've never made it. In Madison, they sponsored a taste of Madison and restaurants like Chilis and Applebees showed up – sad.

The Boulder Farmer's Market is also enjoyable if not quite a bit smaller than the one in Madison. I definitely want to make it back to there. And I definitely want to get a weekend in at Vail for some beautiful sites, hikes and mountain bike rides? Plus, who could turn down a chance to have dinner at Sweet Basil.

We also really want to go camping before the season is over and take Loki with us. Now that he is mostly under voice command, we're confident that we could have a nice camping experience with him.

We'd also love to take a long weekend and visit Mesa Verde. I went there on a school trip when I was a little kid, but Matt has never been. The ruins are amazing!!

So much to do and the summer's flying by. Why can't we have 9 months of summer and 3 months of winter? Really. I'd be OK with that.

12 Replies to “More Outdoor Movies”

  1. That sounds really nice. It's too hot here for anything like that. We have a thing called “Music Under the Stars” every Sunday night but it's more like “mosquito festival”.

  2. That is an awesome idea. I remember one time Niel and I had a an opportunity to go to a drive in when we were in upstate NY a few years back and it was so cool!

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