101 page is Done-oh-Done

Yes folks, despite the scant spare time I posess, I've managed to get my 101 page completed. Really, it's a whole system for tracking our progress. It's actually been done a while now, but I was trying to wait Matt out and see if he wouldn't be able to get his list added. I'm done waiting though. He'll add them soon enough!

The 101 has been a great experience for me so far. I've been more conscious of how I spend my time and though I've got no more time to spare, I've been using my time more wisely. A very good project … makes you more motivated and goal-oriented.

12 Replies to “101 page is Done-oh-Done”

  1. hey. i was just browsing through the list on triplux.com, and i really like how yours is laid out and how there's two of you with separate lists, but doing it together. i also like how each thing already has an entry of its own. i'm doing mine as just a list, and linking them as they're completed.

    if you had three columns, with one list on each side and the blog part in the middle, that'd look even better, just a suggestion.

    anyway, good luck to both of you with your 1001 things!

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