Monday Meals

We had a brilliant weekend. We spent good time with friends and family, did things we needed to do and things we enjoy and we COOKED!!!

Saturday, we took the recipes Holly friend pirated out of a library book called Savoring the Spice Coast of India. We made spiced dhal and Spinach with Coconut and some rice seasoned with turmeric and salt. This was a very pretty and very yummy meal. Our first try at Indian food. Luckily, Holly knows the ropes.

Saturday, Matt and I made a light summery sort of meal, including our first souffle. Here's the menu:
* cheese souffle
* French Cut Green Beans with Dill Butter
* Wine Sorbet (we used a nice shiraz in ours)

To cap of a lovely weekend, last night, I caught the only episode of Grey's Anatomy that I hadn't seen. Yea!! My 101 page is almost all done. I just need a smidgen of time to finish it up. Hopefully by the end of the week!!

The latin phrase for today is:
Don't ask me. I just work here.

Sunday's was:
You know, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

And Saturday's …
Deeds, not words.

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