3-Day Weekends

3-day weekends are a great idea. In theory. The thing about them is if you feel like you've got all this time, you schedule more. And then any extra time you had is gone, plus some more usually. And that, is how our weekend went. We went to a graduation party on Friday. One of the “kids” I used to babysit for graduated from high school. On Saturday, we divided our time between helping Kelly search for her new pets (2 bunnies she's picking up today) and preparing for our own graduation party (Kelly's). Sunday was still more preparation and then the party itself, plus some clean-up. Monday we recovered from the party I felt absolutely awful (despite having had nothing to drink – I think it had to do with sinuses) and spent most of the day in bed. Yesterday evening, we went to my parents house to celebrate my paternal grandmother's 92nd birthday. And that, my friends, is my weekend. Busy beyond belief and totally exhausting. But lovely and oh so much fun.

And now, I will share a new recipe or two with you that we used for desserts at Kelly's graduation party.There's no free lunch.

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