Pizza Party

Last week when Matt cleaned out the fridge, he made a rather startling discovery …we had a TON of mozzarella cheese. Dunno how it happened. It was prolly one of those things where we bought it, forgot we didn't use it and then bought some more. Anyhoo, so we had some family over on Fri and we made three different kinds of pizza: shrimp scampi, BBQ chicken, and italian.

The recipe for the scampi pizza is below. That was my fave. The BBQ chicken pizza had chicken, BBQ sauce, gouda cheese, mozzarella cheese, parmesean cheese, and carmelized onions on it. The italian pizza had a bitta tomato sauce, fresh chopped basil, mozzarella, parmesan, romano, onions on half, and chopped tomatoes. They were a huge hit. It's something we'll definitely have to do again.

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