Rest in Peace, Dear Friend

Well, this post is a bit late in coming, but there is a good reason it's late. On Monday, we lost our dear friend May. She hadn't been quite as spry since her first seizure. She no longer wanted to chase her toy and she stopped greeting us when we came home.

On Saturday, after we got home from hiking, we found May right after a seizure. Before we could get her to the emergency vet, she had 3 more. They had to give her beau coup meds before she would stop and when we finally picked her up on Sunday, she was a shell of her former happy self. She was barely lucid, twitchy, and snapping at everything. She chouldn't walk either. We had a nice last evening with her despite the crummy stuff, including giving her lots of attention and some garlic bread.

On Monday, Matt took her to see her regular vet, and we'd already decided. If she was going to continue along this path, it was time. I went to work on Monday but I got the call early and after crying in the restroom for about 10 minutes, I met Matt and Holly, who had gone with him, and we skipped the rest of the day to remember May.

Have some garlic bread and a roll in the snow and remember the greatest doggie ever. I just know she's making “May Angels” in the sky.

6 Replies to “Rest in Peace, Dear Friend”

  1. My deepest, deepest sympathies. I can't imagine what you must be experiencing. I know that if I lost my precious puppy, I'd need some serious counseling. Dogs are such special creatures. I writing this and crying because I can't even bear the thought. My thoughts are with you and Matt.

  2. It wasn't that long ago when I lost my beloved kitty of 15 years, and there's not a day that I don't miss her a little bit. My prayers are with you and Matt, Jess at this saddest of times .

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