Non-Dairy Creamer

I wanted some milk in my tea, this morning (Harvest Peach, for those of you interested) so I dumped a bit of non-dairy creamer in there. It's not even close to the same thing as milk. Very disappointing. It clumped all up and made my tea nasty.

It made me think of the episode of Pinky and the Brain where Brain goes to work for some huge corporation and fakes an accident in the break room involving a microwave and non-dairy creamer (because no one knows how they work) that turns him into a mouse. Great episdoe. Really, that show was genius. Sadly, it has not been released yet on DVD. Yet I notice that they have not failed to release Batman the Animated Series on DVD. Thank God no one overlooked that.

Speaking of TV. I've discovered the hilarious new TV show, My Super Sweet 16. It's about these spoiled teens and their huge, ridiculous sweet 16 parties. It's the funniest show I've seen in a long time … funny because of the tragicosity involved in it. Point your Tivo to MTV and don't miss one side-splitting episode.