On the Brink

It's 6:30 here in CO, which reminds me of another thing to do … reset my blog time to MST instead of CST. And that's how my life feels right now. There's tons of little things in my life that I'm longing to do but don't have the time for. Today for instance, I'm going to stop blogging in about 5 minutes and then I'll go get ready for work. Immediately following that, I'll drive for about 25 minutes to work and then I'll work for about 8 hours. Then when I'm done working, I'll come back here and have as much of a workout as I can fit in, approximately 45 minutes. When that is done with, I'll get cleaned up and drive back across town to go to my Grandma's B'day dinner. That will last pretty long … I'm guessing until 8 or 9 and then we'll drive back across town and I'll spend the remainder of my evening getting ready for tomorrow and doing things that absolutely have to be done in some sort of time frame (i.e. pay bills or figure out what the hell that smell is coming out of the refrigerator).

And that, fun as it is, is what my life has been like lately. I've been running from point A to point B and spending very very little time at home. It's the polar opposite of living in Madison where, for about 6 months every year, we hardly left the house to do anything, except, that is, to drive to the airport and fly someplace more interesting. Haha.

I'm glad for being able to lead a more interesting life here and I'm sure things will calm down a little when we get more settled in, but right now, I'd give a lotta dough to be able to take Friday off (which I can't, since we have travel plans that I need to save them for!!).

I am, however, planning to spend an entire day at home this weekend. I will accept visitors, but I will not be leaving my humble abode. And hopefully that will give me some of the time that I need to get some stuff done!! And I don't mean pay bills.