Early Morning

I am finally getting the chance to post because of work. You would think it would be the opposite, but I'm doing phones from 7:30 until 8 AM this week and very little can be done while one is doing phones, so I am surfing the net and (of course) blogging. A lot of people around here seem to dislike doing phones, but for me, it's a once-in-a-while mindless sort of break and it goes by fast!

Last night we had a cookie/candy making night. It was just Kelly and Matt and me, which is always fun. It was one of those punch-drunky sort of nights too. Lots of silliness. Kelly made banana cookies, which are like oatmeal cookies with banana in them. I made chocolate peanutbutter fudge, which looks like it turned out excellently. I can't tell for sure, though because it had to set last night and I haven't tried it yet. Both of the recipes I found on the net, but darn if I can find them to pass them on now. I'll get them in the database later. I want to do more holiday baking, but I don't know if it's going to happen … This time of year is soooo crazy! We've got a dinner party tonight, and then tomorrow Matt's mom will be flying in and then we've got tickets to see Manheim Steamroller!! I'm really looking forward to that, but there's so much that needs to be done!! I haven't made a dent in wrapping, my car and my house, and my dog are a mess!!

Despite all that … actually, probably because of it, I LOVE this time of year!

2 Replies to “Early Morning”

  1. Its so crazy this time of year. This past holiday season has found me very stressed out and I find myself looking forward to it being over. I love Christmas more than anyone but I just get more stressed as I get older.

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