Trials and Tribulations and Christmas Shopping

I'm taking a small break after finishing a big job. I've been trying for two days now to add some more pictures of our house, but my camera and my computer are fighting it out and it appears that my computer is slowly defeating my camera's spirit. Bad computer. So no pics yet, though I'm dying to get them up.

The last two days have been very busy. I've been working and then doing social sort of things after work. That's been enjoyable, but I really just want to go home and have a “normal” evening. That's the plan for tonight and with a little luck, it'll work out!! I can't wait to just veg in front of my computer and Tivo and get a little more work done for Artamation and it's CafePress Shop.

Last night I got a very important piece of Christmas shopping done. I ordered a couple of gifts online, but I'm not saying from where cuz at least one person receiving one of these gifts reads this … I really need to add entries for all of the new shows I'm watching this season. I've added Desparate Housewives (which I really lurve) and Wife Swap to the lineup. I also tried watching Nanny 911 on Fox last night (tivoed, of course) but it's so poorly produced, that we couldn't finish it. I'll try once more, I think, but then that's it.

2 Replies to “Trials and Tribulations and Christmas Shopping”

  1. Dessperate is my new favorit show,and Boston Legal which follows it is a little Sex In The City-ish a little clever.You may like it as well.

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