What a Day!

The incredibly observant (actually, not only observant, but also vigilant) among you may have noticed that littlet picture that popped up on my moblog at about 4:30 today. Those are the set of keys as given to us by the folks at Land Title after we turned over a big chunk of cash and signed about 3 million sheets of paper (give or take a few 100 thousand).

Ah, but that account of it makes it all sound so easy …. the day itself was nerve-racking as hell!! Acutally, the last few days have had us on pins and needles. On Tuesday we discovered (yes, we discovered, not anyone told us) that we'd need a verification of rent from our previous landlords. Sounds easy enough, especially cuz we were very good tenants. The kind that paid their rent on time … in full … always. Yea, well as of this morning, and six faxes later and a bitta mis-handling on Coldwell Banker Morgatge's part and a lot on our former landlord's part, the paperwork still wasn't through. In fact, at 3 PM when we showed up for closing , it still wasn't through. We watched our realtor (Cyndi Ralph – more about her later) head into the building on her cell phone looking pretty ticked-off. Then we go into the little room with the big chairs and the can full of pens and sit down and the nice lady from Land Title informs us that we probably won't be closing today since our loan hasn't gone through. I start to freak (just a little, I'm sure) and we decided to hold on and at least wait for Cyndi. So Cyndi comes in a few minutes later and tells us everything is AOK. Our loan has been approved and our papers and wire transfer will be there in about 15 minutes … and they were.

Cyndi had called the VP of CBM and screamed at him that this whole thing was ridiculous and that we were closing today and he was going to make it happen. And he did. Obviously, we Cyndi lots. Of course, we did even before this, but …. sheesh. Two first-time home buyers were impressed, and more than well taken-care-of. To state the obvious, if you or anyone you know is buying a home in CO , we heartily recommend her!!!After we hugged Cyndi, we got in the car and got on our cell phones. We went back to my parents' house, picked up my mom and the puppy, then we picked up my grandma and met Andrew out at our new house. After giving the grand tour to Grandma and Andrew, the boys went out to pick up som essentials and I got busy and found a local Chinese take-out place on my phone's web browser and cooked up some dinner.

Matt and Andrew brought back the Chinese food and we proceded to have a wonderful time enjoying our new house. We even had music because, since it was a model home, it was wired for sound and they just left the receiver in there!

Anyhoo, so we played around with the various cool things in the house and took some measurements (of course, we'd forgotten ours, but Village Homes had left us a very nice little kit with some very good essentials and it had one!) and at some point, I noticed that there was a basket sitting in our kitchen area.

Mom and Dad had gotten us a gift-basket with a bunch of cleaning stuff (including the ubiquitous shower squeegee) and a cute Mary Engelbreit card. Written inside the card was their intention to keep up a family tradition and buy us our first washer and dryer!! Too awesome.

After we had p artied hardy, we divided up and headed out. Matt and I went to Wal-Mart and purchased some shelves for the basement so we have some place to put storagey stuff. And later we met Mom and Dad back at home to pack up this room and get ready for tomorrow. A couple of hours later, here I sit.

I'm too excited to go to bed (although I'm sure I'm just running on adreneline), but Matt is managing quite nicely to sleep right beside me. How can he do it? The movers will be arriving in just 7 hours!! Pretty awesome, this house stuff.

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