It's Over

I'm sooo glad that the election is over. Most of you can agree (whether you like the outcome or not) that it's good that it's over … and that it didn't drag out too long. I was soooo sick of the ads. We had a really nasty senate campaign out here and I'm sooo glad that's over.I've also got about 10 pet projects related to and other things and I have time for exactly 0 of them. Between working and my web design work and trying to find a house, I've had a really hard time staying awake lately, let alone getting anything personal done. Can we add like 10 more hours to the day?

One Reply to “It's Over”

  1. Def. glad it's over. I won't miss hearing FOX news (which my hubby is addicted to).
    Anyway…caught up on your posts…I always remember there being snow on Halloween. I ruined many costumes and always remember my feet being numb all night…but who cared…it was all about the candy.

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