Tosh and Rot

I've been neglecting shamefully, and for that I am sorry. But really, it's Matt's fault. He bought me SIms 2, and I've been playing that like crazy allll weekend. Sad, really. Anyhoo, things have been going well.

On Thursday, we went to The Fort to celebrate my parents' 32nd wedding anniversary. That was pretty spiffy. The Fort is a really interesting restaurant (a true Colorado original). It focuses on game meat, buffalo (bison) in paticular. So they have stuff like buffalo sausage and steaks. Plus they have quail and venison and the like. The restaurant itself is an adventure too. It's this cool-looking adobe building decorated in old west style. The servers all wear costumes and, maybe it sounds cheesy, but it's really well done and classy.

This weekend, besides simming and work, we watched a couple of movies I hadn't seen before. We went to the theatre and saw Wimbledon with Kirsten Dunst and Paul Bettany. I really recommend this movie! It's a nice, light, romatnic comedy, and it's pretty well done and has some plot surprises. Paul Bettany's adorable too. We also Netflixed Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. That was kinda trippy/cute. I'm glad I didn't see it in the theare, but it was worth a (cheap) rental. I think i'd like to read the book, maybe. There were some elements of the movie that were a bit disjointed. Kinda funny tho.