Funny Trick

I played a funny trick on Matt yesterday. I took a screen shot of his computer desktop and then set it as his background. Then I deleted all of his icons (moved them into a folder called “funny” in his documents folder). So when he went to use his computer after work, none of his desktop “items” worked. It was hilarious. He thought he had a virus or something. I prolly should have played it a little longer, but I really can't keep a straight face.

I was practically falling-down-laughing for like 20 minutes though. He acted like he wasn't amused and then admitted to me that it was a “funny trick.”

Dinner was damn good last night. I made the eternal favorite, cheese-rice streudel and then I sauteed up a bunch of zucchini (which is my current fav. veggie) and some mushrooms. Sooooo good. And can you believe it? Matt doesn't even give me guff about a vegetarian meal now and again. He even requests black bean burgers now. I how open-minded he is.I'm super excited (duh) for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We got tix for the midnight showing on Thursday, so we're getting real real close. I'm all giddy and hyper whenever I think about it.

Matt has requested that his t'shirt read “Have you hugged your potions master today?” I got some green, purple and blue fabric paint pens to dress up our sharpie t'shirts. So I'll make his this afternoon. Being a dork is oh-so-much fun.

5 Replies to “Funny Trick”

  1. We reached 102 degree weather here today and my little girl wants to wear her Harry Potter sweater and scarf to the movies. Why can't Hogwarts have a summer outfit?

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