Fun Stuff

Our lease is up at the end of August. Big decisions have to be made. It's a little scary. But it's all better for a while with a Mike's Hard Lime. We picked 'em up from the grocery store and they're very very tasty.

Now if you could just pick up a book or something from the store telling you the right move to make. Wouldn't that be nice? Of course half the stuff you read in books is utter drivel, so maybe not. Continue reading “Fun Stuff”

Miscellaneous Shallowness

I meant to comment on this yesterday when I wrote about Mean Girls, but I forgot. So does anyone else think Lindsay Lohan has gotten a boob job?? In the normal scenes I didn't think so so much, but in the party scenes when she was in the itsy bitsy dresses they looked damn large for someone of her size. I don't really have a problem with it one way or the other, I'm just curious, mainly.

Alias was good tonight, but I'm POed that it won't be on again for another three weeks. I could have sworn it was supposed to be next week. I seriously hope that they aren't trying to decide how to end it because they still haven't renewed it and are thinking about really ending it. ACK! That would be awful. Anyhow, as I said, it was good. I luv Isabella Rosalini. She and Jack are fun together too. And I was sooo glad to see Vaughn go back to Jack's secret weapon's stash (isn't Jack such a badass??) … finally that guy finds his ummm… courage. Plus, did anyone else notice that Mr. Sark was looking paticularly fine this evening. Wowsa!

That's enough from me.

Weekend Stuff

We went to see Mean Girls last night which was a lot of fun. We laughed like mad. Even funnier though was the Shrek 2 prveview. I can't find it online, or I'd link to it, but there's this scene where Shrek and Fiona are rolling around kissing on the beach and a wave rolls over them. And suddenly, Fiona is replaced by an Ariel (as in The Little Mermaid) look-alike is on top of Shrek. Then suddenly, Fiona comes up and grabs her by her tail fin and shot-puts her back into the ocean. I laughed like a loon for like 10 minutes. Anyhoo, that was good.

The pool at our apartment complex openeed today. But as it's Wisconsin, it was waaaay too cold to go swimming outdoors (50 degrees!). Why do people here even bother putting in outdoor pools? It's incredibly rare to get a nice enough day to use them even in the summer.

Tomorrow, I think it will be house-cleaning time. Isn't it always house-cleaning time??