Bods and Mods

Urgh! I've had the worst headache allll day long. And after doing all of my usual tricks, it still won't go away. I've had a nap, taken sudafed, even had some caffeine (although I'm really no longer addicted to caffeine). And nothing I do seems to work. How irritating.

On a totally unrelated note, we have decided that our next PC will be a media center style PC. Matt's been itching to get another computer since the one he's working on these days is about 4 years old and slow and stuff. So we talked about it and decided that as a fun project, we'll make our own computer and a cool mod case to go with it. For those of you who aren't in the know, mod cases are not your standard off-the-shelf style computer cases. You can either take an off-the-shelf case and modify it (cut out parts of the panels, add funky lighting, paint it all weird) or you can totally go crazy and make a case entirely out of … say wood or cardboard and then add the necessary bits (power supply, fan, etc.) and you've got yourself a one-of-a-kind PC. Some people go totally crazy with them and put a refrigerator on the bottom or other neat stuff like that. I was going to paste up some links, but The Screensavers website has gone all wonky since Tech TV merged with G4 and now I can't find a damn thing.Anyhow, so we'll have to design a case, and put the necessary components in it. The really neat thing is that we don't have to do it all at once. We can start off with the board and memory and a hard drive, and just the basic stuff and then add a DVD writer or a great sound card or a TV card or whatever.

What a fun little nerd project.

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