More from Music City

Sunday was one of those annoying days when we woke up too early and couldn't get back to sleep (sunlight … grrrr), so we got up and did all that sorta morning routine stuff and took off. We went to Opry Mills, which is this shopping mall on steriods and has some of the most bizarre stores ever. They do, however, have some good outlet sorta stores and a HUGE Old Navy, where we got ourselves some clothes and a new set of accessories for the puppy. It's a cute leash/collar set with the red/blue star thing going on. We also got drinks at Aquarium. It's owned by the same people that own Rainforest Cafe, and it's almost identical in style, layout, etc. Even the menus share a lot of items. It was really neat though because it was very blue and soothing and calm and pretty. Lots of very neat fish too that Matt told me all the names of and I promptly forgot. We went to Theresa's graduation in the afternoon. It was super-convenient because it was held at the Grand Old Opry. Your traditional sort of graduation ceremony. The Valedictorian did have the courtesy to read Oh! The Places You'll Go! which livened things up for me. I love that book.

And after the ceremony, it was on with pictures and dinner! We at at Stoney River. It's a steak house sort of place with a little gourmet twist. Everything was very good.

After the nice dinner, we went back to Sandy and Sherrie's house and packed up. For a very early departure in the morning. Our car-trip home was annoyingly long. Every bit of traffic we could have possibly gotten in, we did. Including what looked like a police barricade north of Indianapolis. We were practically at a stand-still for like an hour. Grrr… So glad to get home.

And a funny story from the road: So on the way back, we saw this car that had a vanity plate that said, “NSCAR40.” This is the conversation that followed.
Jess: Who's #40 in Nascar?
Matt: I don't know.
Jess: Do their numbers even go that high?
Matt: I don't know.
Jess: Can Nascar fans even count that high?
Matt: Sure. They've got extra toes.
He's such a funny boy!! hahahhaha

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