
I decided to take my camera with me when I took May out for her evening walk. She's a rotten subject. Sure she's cute and all, but she practically refuses (in her doggy way) to look at the camera or to stay still or to sit or do anything. Still, 50 photos or so later, I got a few good shots. Does anyone remember what we did before digital cameras??

It's been raining alll week. And it's supposed to be nice this weekend, but things won't dry out enough to go moutain biking or anything and Matt is on call alll weekend, so we can't go much of anywhere, though I sure wouldn't mind going to Chicago.

Anyhoo, I'm going to make some quesadillas tonight. Ones with meat and beans and I'm sure they'll be very good. I also went by the store and got a watermelon. They've been sooo good lately. We cut 'em in half and make little balls out of the meat (which is the proper term, but it's never sounded quite right to me) using one of those melon ballers. That way we've got a ton of watermelon ready for consumption. I hate cutting up watermelon.

One Reply to “Spring!”

  1. Your doggy May is soo cute. My brother in law has a half golden retriever and collie mix. Too cute. Love spending time with him. His name is Ripley. I wish the water melon in NYC was good. We too are getting rain but still going to try to bbq.

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