This 'n' That

We've had a very nice day so far. We went to the farmer's market this morning. The weather was overcast, but nice anyhow. The farmer's market isn't very good this time of year mainly because there's just not much there. You're good if you want spinach, but otherwise, you're kinda SOL. Matt, however, found the most yummy thing in the world. They're called pumpkin bars. And I guess, basically, they're light pumpkin bread with cream cheese frosting on top. SOOOO good.

We brought May with us but we didn't know that dogs weren't allowed (we'd seen people with some last year) so she had to go back to the car. Luckily it was in the garage with plenty of shade and little heat so we didn't have to leave. Then we tromped up and down state street for a while looking for presents for upcoming events and stuff like that. Then we came home and worked on stuff. I'd taped a bunch of Star Trek last night, so we watched that and had lunch and stuff. Then we went to the club and lifted weights. We were going to swim, but it was getting late and we were hungry for dinner, so we took a rain check on that.

And that's about it. I put up a few pictures from the today. Only one is actually from the market, but I took them while we were at the market, so whatever.

And for fun … I found this.

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