Hurt So Good

It's one of those bad things that you don't feel the abuse you've done to your body until the day after you've done it. Alcohol … and exercise. Yesterday I lifted weights (some with newly-raised amounts) and I played 3 sets of racquetball (about 2.5 hours worth) with Matt. So …. this morning I feel like I've been tenderized. I've got more aches than I've got advil. But once the two I just took kick in, I'll be better. But I'm thinking a long, hot bath may be in order.

It's still grey outside, but at least it's rainy. It's so nice to be able to sit here and watch the rain. That's one place that Nashville is unrivaled for any other city I've lived in … rain. Tons of it. Days of it. The one summer I spent there I swear it rained every afternoond all June. Denver is my favorite weather though. Lots and lots of sunny days, some rain here and there, and the occasional snow. And the most bee-yoo-tee-ful summer nights.

BTW … Denver Nuggets in the Playoffs?!? WTF, Mate??

Bedtime … Rain

I've stayed up practically all night working. Some things just needed to get done.

So after I worked on the cookie thing, I did a bunch of work. And then I worked on a more in-depth archives page for Jesser. It's been nice lying here in bed with the laptop, watching DVDs. Matt reaches over and snuggles up to me every now and again and sometimes punches at the keyboard. I could be out in the other room, but it's nice here. Matt smells good and he's warm.

I've been watching About a Boy. I absolutely love that movie. It's hilarious and Hugh Grant plays smarmy so well. And I always laugh out loud when he calls the mum a “Daft F*ing Hippy!” And speaking of good things to watch, Gilmore Girls was good tonight. There were some pretty good one-liners and an interesting plot. Next week looks good too … juicy.

Now I'm heading to bed and the rain is starting again. It rained off and on all day and it's back! I love the sound of the rain.

Cookies … Yum

I've been meaning to do it for a while, but I'd never really delved into the world of COOKIES, so I was sort of putting it off. So now I've delved and I am a … well if not an expert, than certainly more learned.

And … my comment page will now remember you and your info if you so desire. And why all this rambling about cookies? Cookies is the computer term for what sites use to store your info on your hard drive to save you from typing a bunch of stuff … and to spy on you but I'm not doing that.

BTW: Thanks for the book suggestions. I'll have to go visit the library tomorrow.


When you're still in that half-asleep state is there anything better than streeeeetching? I could just lie in bed half awake and stretch out and curl up for hours. Especialy if I've got a good book to read. But I'm weird like that. Unfortunately, you've always got to get up.

Speaking of books, I'm looking for some good books to read. I want books that are :
+ not depressing
+ not written from the point of view of anyone you'd want to strangle for being too obnxious, egotistical, self-centered, delusional
+ well-written
+ funny
+ not too serious/in depth
Leave me a message if you have recommendations.

I have nothing amusing to say today. More's the pity. Weather like this makes me sort of unamused. PS – It's grey and icky outside, and there's not even any nice rain.

Sleepin' In

We had to take Andrew to the airport this morning at 4:30 … We got back about an hour later and went back to sleep! I love sleep when you're exhuasted. It's so … nice.

On the down side, I missed 2 aerobics classes I might have gone to. But there's one at 4 that I might head over to. Speaking of going to the gym. My gym bag from Title 9 came on Thursday. It's so cute. It's just the colors I was imagining it was (which is awesome since there was no picture) and it's the exact right size and has good pockets and a padded shoulder strap … it's perfect! They have a couple of stores in Colorado, so I'll have to go visit them when I'm back in town.

Weird Weekend

Matt and I had a visitor this weekend. His brother, Andrew, came to visit. Andrew needed a smidgen of help with his CS project, so Matt and I (mostly Matt) have been at home a bunch giving him a hand with that. So we'v been largely home bound and we've been spending quality time with videos and games and books and working together on our France photo album (the digital version).

We also went to play racquetball a couple of times. I've said it before and I'll say it again … I am getting better. Unfortunately, today I screwed up my wrist. It's kind of hard to explain how I did it but basically yanked down on my wrist really hard. It hurts!! Waaah! Nah … it's not that bad. I just need to rest it a bit.

Blog Engine

I've had some queries as to what blogging engine I use for my site. And the answer is …. none. Well I do use a blogging engine strictly speaking, but I made it myself using PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL. Inevitably, there is a follow-up question. Why program it yourself? And the answer is … because I'm a control freak. I like to have express control over stuff like this and so rather than use any of the pre-made solutions on the market (which are fine, but not the way I would do it) I decided to make my own. It was a very nice way to try out some new stuff I was learning, and it's been great because I can totally customize everything to my needs. Not for everyone, but just what I needed.

The Friday Five

I'm short on creative steam today. So I'm going to do an old friday five (as they've been too busy to add a new one). So here's one from 11 April 2003.

1. What was the first band you saw in concert?
Dave Matthews Band, I think …

2. Who is your favorite artist/band now?
It's hard to pick. I like lots … BNL, Guster, Fountains of Wayne, Beck … and on.

3. What's your favorite song?
Can't pick. It all depends on my mood.

4. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
I do play the piano, but as another instrument … I think I'd pick guitar.

5. If you could meet any musical icon (past or present), who would it be and why?
I don't know why, but I think I'd say Paul Simon.

Happy Birthday, Dorothy!

Be an Athletic Supporter

I have spent the last two days doing photoshop tutorials. It's something I've really been wanting to get a little time to do, so I had a chance and I took it! I might put up some of my efforts later on, but for now, I will just let you imagine what I've been up to.

We went to play racquetball again tonight. And I finally found the secret to beating Matt … I must force him to lift weights prior to our games … and then I will totally smack him down. And he will possibly endanger his manly parts with poor ball trajectory.

So after hitting himself (in various places) with the projectile, I said to him, “If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter!” Which is a quote from Grease. I laughed like crazy.

Well I thought it was funny.