Editing, a Lost Art

I've been reading a lot of books recently and I've been noticing some pretty poor editing. There's the usual misspellings and incorrect words and bad punctuation and comma splices and that sort of stuff that we sort of just take for granted as part of our vernacular.

But then I noticed a couple of continuity errors. One was an email address that had previously been at one domain name and was then listed as a differnt domain. Then there was a diary entry dated November 31st. There was a kids name chaned from Brittany to Ashley (once, never again). If these errors are so glaring to me, I can only wonder if anyone actually read the dern thing before it went to print.

Maybe I should have been an editor. But then again, I hate reading stuff that sucks. And I did enough of that in college.

2 Replies to “Editing, a Lost Art”

  1. Which “Boy Next Door” are you reading?! Oh, and I admit I suck at grammar, but I have an excuse, whereas, book editors don't!

  2. I agree with you! I think it might be fun to be a copyeditor because I am such a freak about these kinds of errors, but I could see it getting to be a bore after a while and causing me to just gloss over stuff because I am so done with reading the thing…

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