Bananas, Oprah

Did you know:
+ Bananas were discovered by Alexander the Great more than 2000 years ago in 327 BC
+ They weren't officially introduced into the US, however, until the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition in 1876
+ The average American consumes over 28 pounds of bananas each year
+ The banana plant is actually not a tree … it's the world's largest herb.
+ Bananas are America's #1 fruit.
– From the back of the Strawberry Banana Cheerios Box

I sometimes watch Oprah After the Show since it's on right after Roseanne. I think the most annoying part of the show is all of these women who are so in love with Oprah and their dream is to meet her and they do and they just gush and gush. And I hate to rag on anyone's dream, but that's kind of a crummy one. You didn't DO anything. You flew to Chicago and took a cab to the show and sat in a freakin' seat. Get a life. I would hope you could come up with a better life-long-dream than that.

There are also the annoying guests that want Oprah to do something for them. This one today wanted Oprah to “be her mentor.” Yea right. Someone with a magazine and a daily TV show and a zillion other commitments has time to mentor some random person from her audience. Why don't they edit those annoying people out.