Miscellaneous Weekend

It's been a very busy weekend. We've done lots of stuff. We went to Kites on Ice. It was a lot of fun. You go out on the frozen lake (I'd never done that before!) and watch all of these internationally known kiters do their stuff. The kites are massive and some of them can do really cool stuff with their kites. It's fun to see all of the little kids and the various puppies that are there. There was a gorgeous Husky. Matt and I realized too late that we should have brought May. But it was probably for the best. She would have had to walk a lot and she doesn't like that so much these days.

We had a nice V-day dinner too. We cooked lobster, which came out very nicely. And we cooked some amaretto tarts that wer excellent.

As part of our V-day festivities, we re-purposed our coffee-table. It got damaged when we moved and it's never been quite right since then. So we took off the top and put the two ends on top of each other to make a very nice bookcase. Then we put up our new coffee table this morning. It looks darn good and we didn't lose any storage space.

We also danced for about an hour today. We're getting way better at it. Now we can do Light Mode stuff without too much trouble. We're still quite white though.