Wrapped Up in All the Fun

Matt and I started wrapping the gifts destined for CO last night. Man I love wrapping gifts. You put a lil' Christmas music in the stereo or pop a Christmas movie in the VCR (or DVD) and pull out your supplies and it's instant Christmas spirit. I love speculating how people will react to our gifts, especially the ones we've made and I get to spend time with my Matt. He's pretty good company.

We're prolly going to go on a field-trip this weekend. I don't know if we'll got to Chicago or Milwaukee yet. I want to visit an American Science & Surplus shop. They've got tons of cool stuff … I think it'd be really fun. So there's stores in both Chicago and Milwaukee. Milwaukee has some cool things, including an awesome art museum that Matt hasn't yet been to and the traffic is much easier to handle. Chicago on the other hand is further away and a freakin' madhouse. You spend half your time in traffic or fighting a crowd of some sort. But they've got Ikea and California Pizza kitchen and CB2.

Of course on the other hand (I'll have to borrow one from Matt, I'm all out), Christmas shopping is mostly done, so there's no real reason that way to go to Chicago (or Milwaukee for that matter) and I need to do Christmas cards, some work and clean the house. Maybe that's a better use of the weekend. Plus, we're going to have to say bubye to the puppy pretty soon. So maybe we can take her to a park or something.