Is that Really Necessary?

Every three months, our apartment building tests the fire alarms. That's good. What isn't good is that doing that makes several long, shrill noises that drive May absolutely wild. She's incredibly scared of strange noises and all her doggy sense leaves her head and she makes all kind of trouble. If you're not in the room with her, she'll do her best to get to you (usually via scratching the heck out of the door). She goes everywhere she knows she's not allowed, including on our upholstered furniture. And she starts to burrow. Today when they tested, she tried to burrow under Matt's desk. She damn near knocked the flatscreen monitor off the desk. It tipped back and the window caught it and there it (thankfully) stayed. She also managed to pull out one of the power supplies and interrupt our cable modem service.

I really feel bad for the puppy though. I hate seeing her scared. And now that she doesn't hear or see so well, she gets even more scared. I finally have to tie her up so she'll stay still for two seconds and settle down. I really wish they'd test the alarms without sound.

What else? Oh yea, we've been sick the last few days. Just a nasty cold. Matt had to stay home though. You can't program when you're head is stuffed up to the max. We watched a lot of TV and drank a lot of tea. Mmmmm … tea.