Cloudy Was the Weather

One misty moisty morning,
When cloudy was the weather,
I chanced to see an old man,
Dressed all in leather.

Dressed all in leather,
with a cap under his chin.
How d'ya do? and How d'ya do?
And How d'ya do again!

That was one of the poems in the Mother Goose book that my mom used to read to my sister and I when I was little. I still know a surprising number of the rhymes in there. Rhymes are always easy to remember, I guess. And I always think of it when I get up and it's one of those cloudy grey days.

I love that kind of day. It's the sort of day you can cuddle up with a great book (something set in times past) with a cup of tea (peach, I think) and maybe a bit of music … Simon and Garfunkle have a great one called Cloudy.

But alas, I must work! I've got things to do.