Fun Fun Silly Willy

I'm quite hyper. So is Matt. Maybe it's got something to do with the barametric pressure. Anyhow, we're in really good moods.

I think it's way easier to be happy and hyper when you've had proper sleep.

In other news, I've cleaned my computer with Spybot and Have it protected with Spyware Blaster and I've still got something that's popping up icky ads. It's driving me nuts. Why must people do that? It doesn't get them advertising hits. It just makes people mad and then I wouldn't click on their ad even if I was interested in it!

Such Tenacity in One So Poorly Paid

Friday the phone rang three times during the day. Each time it was an unknown caller. I picked it up the first two times, and it was the same woman wanting to speak to Matt. I patiently explained both times that he wasn't available. The last time I just let it ring.

Yesterday the same thing happened. Except with more calls. I finally just started picking it up and immediately hanging up because the ringing was driving me nuts.

So finally, after Matt got home, she called again and I made Matt pick it up. Turns out she wanted to offer him another credit card from the same bank he already has one from (Mastercard instead of Visa).

If she calls again today, I'm getting nasty.

Strange Searches From the 4th Dimension

I was looking at my “status file” which shows things like the top files people have requested, and more interesting (to me anyhow) where the people who view this page come from. The vast majority come from direct references (people typing in Some come from search engines … and I'd love to know their queries because I'm certain this domain is at the very bottom of pages But there are a few that I just can't figure out. I've gotten 4 hits from a pokemon/digimon forum … explain that one! I even went to it and did a search and couldn't find anything. I also got 10 hits from a “free money” popup hell page. I have no clue how their “free,freebies” page sent 10 people to my web site.

Anyhow, if you found this page, would you kindly post a message (see that little comments thing down there?) and tell me how you got here. I can't help but be curious.

Fall's Here

Well, fall's come to Madison WI. Maybe people from Madison would disagree, but I say its defiantly here. Leaves are falling, temperatures are falling, and pretty soon snow will be falling. At that point I say, stay inside. So, we have about 4 weeks to get the remainder of our out door activities in. Gota get busy.

A Sigh of Relief

I don't know why, but I had a sort of crappy day today. For one thing I thought it was Wednesday all day (not that that should make it a bad day, but it does kind of set you off a bit). I couldn't seem to make headway with any of the work I wanted to get done. And the dinner that I'd been sort of excited to make came out rather bland and disappointing.

But now things seem to have turned around. AMC is being kind enough to run (another) Audrey Hepburn marathon. So I just finished watching Roman Holiday and now I'm about 20 minutes into My Fair Lady. The apartment is quiet (other than the TV) and I've got a nice cup of tea and after I'm done here, I'm going to go sit on the couch and do a little work before I go to bed and finish watching Audrey's transformation.

Things always get better, eh?

A Few More Hours, Please?

Well … I've reached the end of my day. I've been up for 20 hours now and I've been busy almost all of that time. Yet I still have work to do. I guess it will have to wait 'til tomorrow though because about the most constructive thing I can do right now is rub my eyes …
Plus, late night TV is really awful.



Well, it looks like our hang-ups with our IP issues are done for now. *Knock on Wood* With a little luck, we may be able to bring in some cash very soon.

I'm so tired right now. I was up very late working and Matt woke me up early this morning to take out the dog cuz he was running late. I didn't really go back to sleep.

Well I think I'm going to go watch some TV and rest. Matt and I will go out for a nice walk later.

My Dog is Driving Me Nuts!

I'm trying to work. Very complicated work at that. Syntaxy, layouty, problemy work and May just won't leave me alone. She is sitting by my chair and everytime I try to use the mouse and my elbow sticks a little off the desk, she starts licking me!! So I stop, pet her, tell her she's a good puppy and go back to work. More licking. I got up and gave her a treat and she went away for a while, but now she's back. I don't want to tie her up or scold her. She's not really doing anything wrong (from a dog's point of view).

Hmm … as I've been writing this, she's stopped licking me. I guess I ignored her into submission. She's now laying quietly by my feet.

Farmers' Market Tooo Early

You know, the farmer’s market is great and all, but does it really need to start at 6:00 AM on a Saturday. You get up early all week, and on your one sleep in day, you gota wake up early again. My solution, start the Farmers market at noon. You wake up at 11:00, arrive at 12:00, eat at 1:00, days off to a good start and you’re well rested.

Strange Rumblings

Every once in a while (bi-weekly or so) we have a mini-earthquake in our apartment. Everything rumbles and shakes for a couple of seconds and then it's done. The first time I thought it was a fluke. Maybe even the second time.

Now I'm pretty sure that the quarry or mine or whatever you call it that's not too far from our apartment is the source of the mini-quakes. Maybe they're blasting stuff.

Well anyhow, I never wanted my life to be too stable.