Laundry, Ice and Mardi Gras

Doncha hate it when clothes you need are sitting all washed … in the washer. Irritating. If I'd just remembered when I first got up that those clothes needed dried, I wouldn't be sitting here now waiting for them to dry so I can go work out. Very irritating.

Also irritating me this morning is the ice ritual. The one thing I dislike most about our apartment is that the fridge didn't come with an icemaker. Thus, every morning, I spend about 5 minutes dumping frozen cubes into the bin and refilling all 6 trays. We use a lotta ice around here. Ooh … that reminds me. Need to take allergy pill & vitamin.

Well while I wait for my clothes to dry, I'll be playing this Mardi Gras Game (on the left a bit down). The scoring doesn't work properly, but it's a good laugh.

Snap, You'll Be Missed!

Snap was born about three and a half years ago. He's had a rather fiesty attitude and didn't play well with others, so he got a tank all to himself. He sat by my computer for a long time, and I've spent hours watching him. He was an excellent digger and while he wasn't the sweetest gerbil … he had a very noteable personality.

Well, as of today, Snap is no longer with us. He passed away this morning. He had been in pain and unable to chew or dig for a couple of weeks. He slept most of the time and ate or drank very little. He is survived by his sister, Kinki our last living gerbil.

National Dog Biscuit Day

Apparently, today is National Dog Biscuit Day. The apartment managers left little baggies of dog biscuits for May on our door. That was pretty sweet. I'll make sure she gets them. Our apartment is one of the only ones in the area that allows larger dogs, so there are TONS here. It would be weird to not have a dog almost …

PB&B Sandwiches

Recently, I've been very obsessed with peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Yum! Toasted bread, a bit of peanut butter and 9 slices of banana. Yummy scrumboes.

The last episode of Sex and the City aired last night. I missed it, of course, since I cancelled HBO over a year ago. We weren't watching it and it was costing us $10 extra a month. That show freakin' cracks me up though. Isn't TV on DVD the best?

Brand New Bed

Our new bed was delivered Saturday morning. It's bee-yoo-tee-ful! We're so excited to have it. It means that pillows don't fall back between the bed and the wall and our cable hook-up doesn't keep getting pulled out. Plus, it's very pretty. Yet another piece of grown-up furniture … it's getting scary around here.

We've had a real low-key weekend. We've been watching TV and doing a little shopping and those other things that fill time like reading and cleaning and working out.

Bee-Yoo-Tee-Ful Day!

I'm one of those freaks who loves rain. I'm not depressed or anything, but I like the sounds that it makes and I like how the world looks when it's raining. So I'm quite happy to wake up and see rain … and that's what has happened today.

Getting lots of work done is a rain bounus. You don't want to go out and it feels pretty darn good to stay in since you can look out at all that pretty rain. I've got my Sex and the City playing in one corner of my screen and Dreamweaver cranked up in the rest of it. May is very patiently sitting by my chair in hopes that I might decide to reach down and pet her or find something for her to eat.

Relaxed. Peaceful. Rain.


Wow. It hasn't been this warm here for months. It's gotta be at least 40 degrees outside. It's not exactly sunny, or pretty (since the snow is all weird icky colors and the grass is saturated with water) but it feels better out there. According to The Weather Channel, it'll be like this for at least the next 10 days. I can definitely live with that.

I cannot believe it's already Thursday. This week has absolutely flown by. I've been quite low on energy. I don't know whether it's cabin fever or that I've been missing my multi-vitamin or something else. Blah


I don't go in for politics much. It's all conflicty and confrontational and most of the time very little gets resolved … just posturing and talking. But you can't be totally oblivious of politics right now. It's kind of anywhere.

Anyhow, here's a couple of things to gauge your political stance:
Political Compass measures you right to left and authoritative to libertarian. If you care, I'm like 3 to the right and 3 towards liberatarian (if you're plotting it on a cartesian plain, I'm 3,-3).
President Match rates your matchiness to a particular candidate. It chose GW for me at 100%, which is bollox because I don't agree with him on a LOT of the issues, but I must say that he's probably about as close as I can get to a match on a candidate … but certainly not 100%

British Words

I think British English (proper, not cockney) sounds really nice and I quite dig the accent. But more than the sound and accent, I really like some of the words. A smattering for your consideration:

+ Bodge: to (less than carefully) fix something, as in, “My dad bodged up the toaster with a bit of foil and some gum.
+ Arse: often used instead of butt, but it can also be used like this: “I can't be arsed to get out of my chair and find the remote so I'm watching golf on TV.” Which of course, means that that person can't be bothered. Great phrase.
+ Bollox: This is sort of like a substitute for crap. As in, “That's bollox!” or “He's talking a load of bollox.”
+ Load: a bunch of … whatever
+ Bung: to throw, as in, “Bung me that book, will ya?”
+ Mate: a friend
+ Rate: to fancy (like) someone, as in, “I really rate your cute older brother.”
+ Dodgy: means “sketchy”, as in “I wouldn't walk down that street late at night. It's a bit dodgy.”
+ Fit: good looking, as in, “Brad Pitt is quite fit.”
+ Kip: a nap
+ Porkies: Lies … this is one of the weird Cockney rhyming words. Porkies is actually short for “pork pies” which rhymes with lies. Get it? Me neither. Anyhoo, the Brits have loads of these words. I think it's a rather confusing custom.
+ sack: to fire someone, as in, “I was sacked for making copies of my arse.”
+ snog: to make out
+ spend a penny: to go to the bathroom
+ starkers: to be stark naked
+ ta: thanks!
+ sad: pathetic
+ poof: gay man, as in “Queer-Eye is about five poofs …”
+ jumper: sweater

Here's a nice British-American English dictionary. Funny.