I made a deal with myself that if I met a certain goal that I could buy myself Sims 2: University. It was a tough goal and so it was a great prize cuz I wanted this game sooooooo much (you long-time readers and friends know of my unnatural obsession with The Sims games). Sims 2 came out back in September and I was eagerly anticipating this game. So after a good bit of hard work, I met my goal yesterday and I went out after dinner with friends last night and picked up this little gem. So I am planning to go home, take Loki for a walk, run quickly to the grocery store for a bite to eat, and then settle in with the expansion pack to the sequel of one of the greatest video games of all time.
I wrote this nice long post and stupid Hurricane Electric had to go all funky just as I hit the submit button. WTF??!?! I'm so POed. It took me literally minutes to write and now it's gone. I'm really thinking about switching providers. They're really really really really really pissing me off. Not only does this (and other connection problems) heappen occasionally, but they also switched from telnet to SSH and NEVER TOLD ME. So I'm sitting there thinking I'm crazy cuz I can't connect an little do I know there's a very good reason I can't connect. GRRRRRR… frustrated
Anagram Game!!
Okay kiddies, here's a new one for Jesser.org. This week is National Anagram Week and so in celebration, I'm putting up a new anagram for you to solve each and every day until Saturday in my MOTD (the funny sayings underneath the date/time up top). The answer will be posted in the MOTD on the next day.
If you have a guess, leave me a comment. First person to guess it (by time stamped comment) wins … well nothing. Except your name on my blog. So nothing. Haha. Happy anagramming!!!
Another Weekend Gone!
Well hopefully tomorrow, Matt will be gainfully employed by a giant national HMO. And in anticpation of the end to his vacation we really lived it up this weekend. We were busy busy.
Friday was an extra-special Friday cuz it meant I was DONE with my OSHA classes. 10 full hours of governmental boredom. But I had a horrible headache, so we stayed in and goofed around and watched Stargate.
Saturday we spent an extra-long amount of time and then went mountain biking. I'd never really done that before, and it's waaay different from road biking but I really enjoyed it (apart from banging the hell out of my knee on a rock) and I am sure I'll be back to the trails to improve.
Then we hung out with some friends for a little while and then we went to dinner with my parents and came back here to indluge in some Oreo pie and watch Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle (again!). Continue reading “Another Weekend Gone!”
Forgive me Blog, for I Have Sinned …
It's been a whole freakin' week since my last post. I sat down to post like 3x last week and never managed to get one out. Oh well. That's life.
Matt heads out to Cali next week to start work and I'll have the house all to myself. I've got some majorly mixed feelings about this. I'll miss him tons, but I'll only have my schedule to deal with and I think I'll be able to get more done.
A few links I've been enjoying:
* http://www.woot.com
* http://www.digg.com/deals
* http://www.iespell.com/
* http://www.impressrubberstamps.com/
New Recipe, Weekend Recap
First and foremost, there is a new recipe for Monday. It's part of my long-term obession with Macaroni and cheese … and it's from Alton Brown's show, Good Eats (one of my faves!). This mac 'n' cheese has a slightly different flavor and it's topped with bread-crumbs, which just give it that certain something …
It's probably not as kid-friendly as most other macaroni and cheese, but it's nice with a glass of wine and a crisp green salad … sort of comfort food with a grown-up gourmet twist.
Possibly good to make on Valentine's Day??
Continue reading “New Recipe, Weekend Recap”
It's Tuesday morning. I'm in a pretty good mood. Despite still being sore from X-country skiing, and the elliptical trainer yesterday (it is my friend), I'm relatively awake and I've got what looks like a good day ahead of me.
I've been at work right around an hour and I've finished up a page that I consider to be absolutely perfect. It's amazing, really. And I don't mean to brag, but I'm just happy it went so well. I made some things happen that I've never done before and it just turned out oh-so-well. I love my job. I get to do tons of cool stuff and I usually feel like I've gotten a lot of things accomplished at the end of the day.
After work, I've got a meeting with my personal trainer (that sounds posh, but 2 sessions came free with the membership, honest, occifer) which I'm very excited about, cuz I wanna get back into weight training some. Before we moved, I did it at least 3x/ week and I miss that. I'm currently much less buff than I was.
Then when I get home we're going to fill up the weekly new meal requirement by making the meal I mentioned yesterday. Akshully, Matt's going to do most of the making. I'll mostly be doing the eating.
Once dinner's over, I plan to watch last week's Alias, Wife Swap and a new Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars while I tidy-up my office and get some web work done. Continue reading “Hmmmm…”
Fun With Phones
It's been a bit of a rocky start with my new phone. For some reason they couldn't switch me to a local number when I upgraded and switching over has been a bit of a nightmare. Luckily, the tech I drew was awesome and called me back multiple times to get my phone operational. I'm still working on getting the web going, but it's getting close.
The phone is v. cool. It is a Samsung VM-A680. It's a pretty cool little unit, and I'm luving the picture phone. I've hooked up everyone's pics with their phone numbers so I can see who's calling (not that I wouldn't be able to figure out who names and numbers are, but it's cool).
Just one day later, I'm back! I have to pat myself on the back for this one, esp since I had a post totally written and the comptuer ate it.
Anyhoo, politics are in FULL swing around here. We have at least 37 ballot initatives to vote on (and some of them have multiple parts). I have to look them over before the election because right now I only know what a few of them are. 4A is a huge expansion of our mass-transit system which I think Denver really needs to check some of our traffic problems … but I'm going to have to read the full text to make sure someone's accountable for actually getting it done. Then there's the big one for , 34. If you're a CO citizen, please read about this and seriously consider voting NO NO NO on it. And that's all I'll say about politics.
I think I had written more, but the mind is going blank, so I'm just going to leave you with a couple of recipes that we made last weekend. There's actually a third in the NEW section of the cookbook, that I'll leave you to find.
Broken Puter!
Argh! Everything was going so swimmingly, and suddenly, my computer slowed down to practically a halt. Actually it did halt once or twice (i.e. turned off of its own accord). That was annoying. Anyhoo, I called the folks at Dell, who, recently, had been doing very little other than annoying me … and got an awsome tech. He was friendly, helpful and had me try like ONE thing (instead of 10000). Soooooo … My new hard drive arrived yesterday. I still haven't installed it (though that's priority #2 … I have to backup a bunch of data first) and hopefully I'll be back in comission sooooon!! So annoying. Matt's compy is weird. Continue reading “Broken Puter!”