I Dream of Bed

This is pretty atypical for me. I've been up for three hours and at work for two and I'm still yawning and stretching and longing for my warm bed. Perhaps it's that I know that my Matty (who stayed up very late, working) is still snuggled up in bed. Perhaps its that I didn't sleep in at all this weekend. Perhaps it's that I woke up in the middle of the night when Matt came to bed and wiggled around. Perhaps its just that for whatever little reason I need a bit more sleep right now…
… but whatever the reason, I'd give almost anything to be back in bed.
Protected: Progress Report
Protected: Report from the Field
There are few things in this world I like better than a nice ripe peach … they are my most favorite fruit (strawberries rank a close second) and they're a big reason I love summer so much. Knowing this, my sis gave me peach lip balm for my birthday. I also made peach shortcake this summer when I got some paticularly good peaches.
So I thought I'd take today to share some peach recipes and some peachy lyrics.
Peaches & Cream Pancakes
Spiced Peach Muffins
Fresh Peach Pie from More from Magnolia
peach butter
peach shake
What are your favorite peachy recipes? Continue reading “Peaches”
This three-day weekend spells possibilites for me. Matt and I realized sometime this week that we hadn't spent a single weekend in August at home. The first was family reunion, the second moving Matt's brother into his dorm room, the third Vail, and the last was the campout. So we're really looking forward to being at home (some) and around town.
Today, I'm bugging off a bit early from work and Matt (who had to work all night) will bug off a bit early too and we're going to go take the puppy for a run and then … who knows? I think I'm vying for lunch at Panera, some fun errand running (and mabye a couple not so fun) and then an evening in, possibly playing some video games or watching TV.
Saturday, I'm going to A Paris Street Market with my mom, sister, Holly and a friend of hers from out of town. There's lots of antiques and artists and it sounds like LOTS of fun. (Note to self: get cash!!). Continue reading “Possibilities”
Attack of the Show
I've bitched before about how G4 ruined The Screen Savers. It's an old topic by now. I hadn't mentioned it again, because I don't know many people who care about it, but what's going on now is really annoying me.
A few months ago, they morphed TSS into a game-oriented, poorly hosted shell of its former self (shell of a shell?) called Attack of the Show. Just one minor cast member remains and very little of interest otherwise. They're adding bizarro (usually crappy) bands as well and doing a gimmicky margarita Friday. The whole show has lost what it once was … a cool insiders guide to the world of online and computer tech. Now it's over-hyped, promoting everything and trying so hard to pass itself off as cool that it's obvious and pathetic. Continue reading “Attack of the Show”
Protected: My Mother-in-Law: Mayor of Fantasy Land
Hurricane Katrina!!!
While away this weekend, Matt and I missed most of the hubbub and preparations for Katrina. We're not much for watching the news anyhow, but Katrina interests us greatly since our good buddy Dan just finished up Law School at Tulane and sat for the Louisiana State Bar. We're anxious to hear that he's safe and not stuck in the Superdome or drinking himself silly at another hurricane party like the last go-around.
On-the-street coverage of Katrina from Flickr. Continue reading “Hurricane Katrina!!!”